It is Never too Late to Learn New Skills

It is Never too Late to Learn New Skills

  • How a Tutor Can Help Your Teen Improve in Maths

    Many teenagers struggle with maths at some point in their academic journey. Whether it's algebra, geometry or calculus, the subject can be challenging and overwhelming. In these situations, hiring a tutor can make a significant difference in your teenager's understanding and performance in maths. Tutors offer personalised guidance, support and expertise that can help your teen overcome their difficulties and excel in the subject. This article explores the various ways in which a tutor can help your teenager improve in maths.

  • Preparing Your Child For Their First Swim Lesson: 4 Tips

    Whether your child is taking their first dip in the pool or starting swim lessons for the first time, it's important to properly prepare them (and yourself) for the big day. Below are four tips to help you make sure your child has a positive and enjoyable experience. 1. Talk to your child about what to expect during their lesson It can be helpful to show them videos of other kids swimming so they know what to expect.

  • How Do You Leverage Your Children's Literacy Program for Funding?

    There is no doubt about the role played by education in a child's development. Enrolling them in a school or structured literacy program is crucial for building their cognitive and social skills. The curriculum structure usually considers the child's needs depending on their age and overall aptitude. Indeed, the ability to read is a big part of any child's educational journey. Children can do this comfortably at varying speeds, and it is up to the tutors to use unique methods to help them learn as fast as possible.

  • Sponsoring A Charity Is The Sign Of A Great Business

    Every year, millions of dollars are spent by companies through advertising, lobbying and sponsorship of big sports brands and celebrities. While this money is often wisely spent, and it is good to get your name out there as much as possible, there are other ways of creating a brand culture that customers really connect to and one that benefits the neediest in our society at the same time. It is very similar to more traditional advertising routes in that it is a sponsorship, but in this case, the sponsorship goes not into the pockets of already rich sports stars but to charities who put your money to good use, and there is a new type of charity that could really benefit from your sponsorship.

  • Two factors to consider when deciding what type of childcare to use

    Deciding whether to hire a nanny or put your child into a day care facility can be a difficult decision. Here are two factors you should consider before deciding what type of childcare is right for you and your family. Socialisation Socialisation is incredibly important for young children. It helps them to learn how to empathise with others, how to share, how to compromise and how to resolve conflict. Regularly interacting with their peers can also improve their communication skills and teach them how to develop friendships.

  • 2023© It is Never too Late to Learn New Skills
    About Me
    It is Never too Late to Learn New Skills

    Hello, and welcome to my new education and development blog. My name is Chris, and today I would like to tell you my story. At the age of 40, I was ready to give up on life. Although I had done really well at University and had a good career in the banking sector, I just wasn't happy. One day, my wife suggested that I pack it all in and start out in a new direction. She put me in touch with the local education and development school and they really helped me. I retrained as an engineer and I have never been happier. I hope you enjoy my blog.
